The 2022 activity report has just been published

Published on 28/02/2024 - Updated on 18/04/2024

Find out more about the 2022 report to the public on the work of the CIVS. Submitted to the Prime Minister and published in French, English and German, this annual report gives an account of the Commission’s activities.

The first part of the report (COMPENSATION) reports on recommended compensation paid to the families of victims of anti-Semitic spoliations. In 2022, these indemnities recommended by the CIVS represent 2.0 million euros to be paid by the French State. 

The second part of the report (RESTITUTION) describes the Commission’s action in favor of the restitution of looted cultural property. In 2022, the CIVS decided 7 times to act on its own initiative to bring about such restitution.

The third part of the report (REMEMBRANCE) shows how the Commission’s action contributes to the work of remembrance, and the fourth part details the resources available to the CIVS to carry out its mission. Finally, a selection of outstanding recommendations issued by the Commission in 2022 is appended.

Report 2022

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