“Business under the Occupation”

Published on 29/05/2008 - Updated on 04/04/2024

The symposium was organized in conjunction with IMEC (Institute of Contemporary Publishing Archives), CRHQ (Centre for Quantitative

Historical Research) of the University of Caen, Normandy, France and the IDHE (Institutions and Historical Dynamics of Economics) research unit in Paris.

It addressed the important topics of assessing the extent of the controls exerted by the French and German temporary administrative authorities, understanding the management through supervision of the professions and trades and plotting the economic resources deployed in the political, intellectual and socio-economic configuration set in place by the Vichy government and authorities under the Occupation.

  • Subjects treated:

“The economic consequences of the looting of art under the Occupation” “The art market in the Netherlands” “The Charpentier Gallery, Paris, 1942” “The temporary administrators of Aryanised Parisian art galleries”

  • Location: Abbaye d’Ardenne – IMEC

14280 St-Germain-la-Blanche-Herbe ardenne@imec-archives.com www.imec-archives.com

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