The CIVS and the diplomatic archives renew a successful partnership

Published on 19/07/2017 - Updated on 04/04/2024

On Tuesday 4 July 2017, the Director of Archives of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Chairperson of the Commission pour l’Indemnisation des Victimes de Spoliations (CIVS – Commission for Compensating the Victims of Spoliations) signed the renewal of the convention that has linked those two departments of the State since April 2016.

That decision was based on the wish to extend a successful co-operation. For over a year, the convention has facilitated and organised the operation by the CIVS of the archives for the recovery of artworks for the purpose of making reparations. The Commission is tasked with putting forward compensation or restitution measures for spoliations that took place during the Occupation. Since it was set up, it has had to deal with over 3,000 cases in which cultural assets were claimed. The partnership between the CIVS and the management of the diplomatic archives means that those cases can be assessed in line with timescales that are compatible with the requirement for swift reparation being made for the losses suffered by victims.

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