The CIVS signs an agreement with the Cercle de Généalogie Juive

Published on 27/01/2017 - Updated on 04/04/2024

On 21 October 2016, at the CIVS headquarters, Michel Jeannoutot, Chairman of the CIVS, and Bruno Bloch, Chairman of the Cercle de Généalogie Juive, signed an agreement setting out the terms and conditions for a new cooperative undertaking.

As part of its responsibilities, established by the Decree of 10 September 1999, the CIVS endeavours to identify all victims’ heirs to ensure the fair distribution between all of the beneficiaries of the compensation granted. For the due performance of its remit, the CIVS would also like to develop genealogical research not only in-house but also by forging partnerships.

A secular not-for-profit association founded in 1984, the Cercle de Généalogie Juive (CGJ) is affiliated with the French Genealogy Foundation and the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies. The CGJ lends assistance to people who are conducting genealogical research in the Jewish context and brings together a genuine network of specialists. The work conducted by the most experienced members is intended to be made available for everyone’s benefit.

After several meetings, it became clear that the CGJ could provide the CIVS not only with invaluable help in terms of rounding off the genealogical research the Commission conducts, but also with methodological support.

Thanks to this cooperative undertaking, it will be possible for the CIVS to fulfil its reparation duties more effectively by being able to call on the CGJ for genealogical facts relating to the victims and heirs concerned by the claims it receives.

Learn more about the Cercle de Généalogie Juive at:

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